
  • Search is used to run a query on chef-server.
  • To search for nodes, roles, environment and data bags.
  • Search patterns include exact, wildcards and range.
  • Search can be included within recipe or using knife CLI.

Replacing myhaproxy recipe

  • Instead of adding the additional web servers manually to the list of haproxy, we can use search inside recipe to perform that.
  • Now we can change the default recipe as follows
  • Path: sysfoo/cookbooks/myhaproxy/recipes/default.rb
all_web_nodes = search("node", "role:app")

members = [ ]

all_web_nodes.each do | web_node |

     member = {
        'hostname' => web_node['hostname'],
        'ipaddress' => web_node['ipaddress'],
        'port' => 8080,
        'ssl_port' => 8080


node.default['haproxy']['members'] = members

node.default['haproxy']['incoming_port'] = 8080

include_recipe 'haproxy::default'
  • Now before uploading this to chef server we will change the version of cookbook by adding the version in metadata.
  • Change the version in sysfoo/cookbooks/myhaproxy/metadata.rb from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0.
  • Upload the myhaproxy cookbook.

Verifying Search Functionality

  • Now bootstrap node3 as web server using the role app.
  • Before bootstrap watch the haproxy.cfg file in node4(Load Balancer), which will be getting updated for every 60 seconds defined by chef-client process.
watch -n 1 tail /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
  • Now bootstrap node3 from workstation,
knife bootstrap node3 -x devops --sudo -N "app3" -r "role[app]"
  • After a minute we can see the entry of new web-server node3 added to the load balancer configuration file.